Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When We Leave Jesus-DD 2/15/2011

"And as they were returning, after spending the full number of days, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. But His parents were unaware of it" Luke 2:43-44

Beloved, have you ever looked up and found that you were without Jesus? This can be a blessing wrapped in a tragedy. It is a tragedy because the Christian should never be without Jesus. It is through him that we live and move and have our being. To be sure, we are nothing but condemned without him. The blessing is found at the center of this tragedy because you realize you are without him. God has given us the Spirit of discernment. It is in us to know when we are outside of His will.

You may ask how one knows when they are without Jesus. The answer is different for everyone, but suffice it to say that if we are operating outside of his commands and not doing the things that are right according to his word, we have somehow, somewhere left him behind. Imagine how panic stricken Mary and Joseph were when the realized he was missing. Let it also be pointed out here that as with us, Jesus did not leave them, but it was they who left him.

Finally, the question must be asked, "how do we get him back?" Simply do what Mary and Joseph did; they went back to where they had him last. Chances are, if you find yourself without Jesus, you know exactly when and where you left him. Go back and get him. This may involve study, counseling, surrounding yourself with brothers and sisters and most certainly, prayer. You will find that Jesus is true to his word. He will never leave nor forsake you. Once you have regained him, keep him close in your heart at all times.

Loving Like Jesus,


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