Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is Anything Too Hard For the Lord?-DD 2/3/2011

"Is any thing too hard for the Lord?" Gen 18:14

The Lord had just appeared to Abraham on His way to Sodom and Gomorrah. As He enjoyed Abraham's hospitality, He informed him that despite his age of nearly 100 years that He would indeed give him a son by his nearly 90 year old wife. Sarah overhead this exchange and was clearly amused. The Lord inquired about Sarah's laughter.

Many of us fail to understand the might and power of our God. Sarah thought she was far beyond her child bearing years. Her amusement quickly gave way to another emotion when God called her on it. The point here is that the greatness of God is certainly seen in creation, but the significance is seen in our daily lives. God made a promise to (a) man and fully intended to keep it. The expression of His power is most seen when ordinary things happen under the most extraordinary circumstances. It was common for a woman to have a baby, but at nearly a century old? It was common to have wine at a wedding but made from water? It was common for storms to rise up, but to be able to walk on them?

Beloved, we often despair in our various situations and circumstances despite our status as children of the Almighty. When told that God will deliver us, we may even, like Sarah, laugh and simply point out the impossibility of our situation. It may very well be that the response, whether spoken or not, will be the same that Sarah received: "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

Loving Like Jesus,


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