Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Ultimate Friend-DD 2/8/2011

"Then Job answered, "I have heard many such things; Sorry comforters are you all. Is there no limit to windy words? Or what plagues you that you answer?" Job 16:1-3

There is not a life that is not touched by pain, inconvenience, difficulty and angst. These can be either remedied or exacerbated depending on what we do in these situations. More specifically, where we seek help can influence the outcome.

Job had several friends that came to comfort him in the time of his greatest despair. In the beginning, they sat in silence and mourned with him. After a while, they began to offer a number of opinions that were, to say the least, not helpful.

Beloved, we must be careful who we trust with our hurts. If our friends and brethren are close, we should know enough about them to know their particular strengths, weaknesses and role in our lives. Not everyone is good at everything. Jesus, among his thousands of followers, selected 12 to be close and 3 to be closest. Even the 3 fell asleep at a critical moment. Make no mistake, we need each other. Our friends can be an amazing comfort and we need to be able to call and rely upon our close inner circle. More than that, however, we need to realize that it is God that will get us through our most challenging times. Job knew that. God does that.

Loving Like Jesus,


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