Friday, January 10, 2020

Fighting Fear, Worry and Anxiety

Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.  If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also."  John 14:1-3

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having lunch with an old friend, protégé and now, preacher.  We laughed and talked about many things but when the conversation turned to travel, he began to speak of his fear of extended plane trips and traveling over large bodies of water.  We also talked about health and I noticed how he began to speculate about the worst case scenario of an impending visit to his physician. Of course he had 2 Tim 1:7 firmly placed in his mind but his anxiety was nonetheless present and visible.

Most assuredly, we can all identify with experiencing fear, worry and anxiety.  It is an unfortunate byproduct of being wrapped in flesh.  Our minds are designed to look for and recognize patterns, particularly those that impact our safety, security and well being. Our past experiences are recorded in memory and when we recognize the pattern of a previous event, we bring forward the emotions associated with the it, whether good or bad, but particularly those we deem to be a threat.  For this reason, we need coping mechanisms.

Beloved, even Jesus experienced emotions like these.  In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus famously wept, and due to his trepidation about the trial and crucifixion he would soon endure, he, "being in agony prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground," Luke 22:44.  Even his friends failed him in this, the time of his greatest need and fear.  Notice; however, that he gathered himself, evidently embracing who he was, whose he was and what his mission was.  He then proceeded and fulfilled his ministry and all prophecy.  Ultimately, he knew that once he endured all he was facing, he would go home to the Father and be glorified, John 17:1-5.

One of my favorite passages in all of the Bible is John 14:1-3.  Therein lies a promise that I believe, that is inspiration for all I do and is an amazing deterrent to the fear, worry and anxiety I sometimes face.  My coping mechanism is to "bottom line" things.  What this means is, that in view of that Scripture, I know that I am going to one day go home and experience the glory of the Father, see my savior at His right hand and take my place in a dwelling place reserved just for me, regardless of anything that may happen to me or affect my life.  I cannot tell you how much peace this gives me or how much it allows me to navigate through both the best and worst of times in an even and grounded manner.  In times of fear and worry, consider 1 John 4:16-18.  In times of fear and worry, consider Jesus.

Increasing in faith,


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