Friday, December 13, 2019

The Treasure in Subtleties

"Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established."  Proverbs 16:3 (NKJV)

There are subtle nuances in the words we read in today's bible.  Most, however, escape us completely.  The reason for this in large part is due to the fact that we are reading an English translation of another language.  And though translators do the best they can to capture either word for word or thought for thought translation, depending on the version you use, there are times when meanings can only be approximated.

Consider how the above Scripture might be interpreted.  Paul once said, "For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do, this I keep on doing," Romans 7:19 (NIV).  We can all identify with this sentiment.  We were raised to know right from wrong.  Our bible teaches us the difference.  The laws of the land are designed to communicate and enforce behaviors associated with society's definition of right and wrong.  We still, however, find ourselves nudging our cars just over the speed limit.  We still sin, sometimes willfully.  And we still wonder why we do these things when we know better.

The word of the God says that if we just apply our minds to doing the things He has set before us to do, this will give us something good and beneficial to focus on, thus crowding out the desire to do otherwise.  Done long and well enough, it becomes second nature and many unrighteous desires within us will simply fade away.

The word translated as "thoughts" can also be translated as "plans."  Do you have a desire to be successful in any or all of your endeavors?  How do you go about them?  Is God a part of your plans?  Did you seek Him out in prayer?  Are the plans themselves godly?  The word here also says that if you would focus on Him, align your will with His and submit to His commands, He will make your plans successful.  How can you lose with God on your side?

Beloved, the subtleties dovetail in the most delightful ways.  From this short verse alone, we can see the loving kindness of our benevolent God.  We can see the purpose for which we were created.  We can see solutions to our sin problems.  We can see how to regulate our minds and gain focus.  And we can see guarantees of success in whatever we purpose to do that is in keeping with His will.  Just imagine the assurance that can be found in all of the other subtleties that exist in the Scriptures.  We are barely scratching the surface.

Pursuing a transformed life,


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