Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Shine On 9/3/2013

"And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18

When you think about bondage in the spiritual realm, there are several different aspects to consider. First, before making a decision for Christ, we were all bound in and by sin. We were in utter darkness with no access to the benefits of light. For the Jews specifically, there was bondage under the Law. Though the Law was a great and holy thing, it meant death insofar as none could successfully keep all of it (Romans 7:9-10). Lastly, Gentiles were not a party to the covenant between God and Israel and were therefore without God, without hope(Ephesians 2:12)and clothed in darkness.

The good news today beloved, is that Jesus has made a way out of darkness and provides freedom. We have the ability to look upon his words and his life and see the light that exists there for all mankind. Not only are we able to observe it but we are transformed by it. Moses face famously shone as a result of his being in the presence of God, causing him to have to wear a veil (Exodus 34:32-35). Eventually the glory began to fade from him and the veil was kept to keep the people from seeing the glory leaving. But the veil of darkness has now been removed from our lives and the glory from the Lord is increasing every day. The glory manifests itself in our spirits, our hearts and our words, thoughts and deeds. It will continue to increase until such time as we reflect the light of the Lord in everything we are.

Let us do all we can to avail ourselves of what is available to us in and through the Lord. In so doing, let us let our light shine.



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