Monday, April 11, 2011

Calm in a Storm-DD 4/11/2011

"Yet now I urge you to keep up your courage, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship." Acts 27:22

Paul and 276 others where on journey by ship from Caesarea to Rome when their craft began to be subject to weather that put them in peril for their lives. During the ensuing days, the crew and passengers became increasingly concerned. They threw their valuable cargo over the side and began to lose hope that they would survive. It was at this time that Paul received a message from the Lord, providing him with great confidence and hope.

Beloved, when it seems that everything around us is against us and when others have long since lost hope, we, the children of God must maintain faith in Him. Our God is the God of all things and He has promised to provide for us and protect us. His promises are true and strong. This is not to say that nothing untoward will ever happen to us, but He has promised to deliver us through all calamities, even death.

As Christians we must not have our faith blown away like dandelions when life's storms arise. We must be the rock for those around us who have no help. We must be the example of godliness and faith. Though the big things can be scary, God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a strong mind. We can persevere because He said that we can.

It should also be mentioned that Paul was a prisoner at the time and was going to receive a hearing with Caesar. His circumstances were even worse than most, nevertheless, his faith was a comfort to those who were delivering him. Let us rise above our circumstances. God knows what He is doing.

Loving Like Jesus,


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