Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It is All and Only About Jesus-DD 12/1/2010

"Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, " This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!" Luke 9:35

Imagine being on the mountain of transfiguration and seeing wonders never before seen by anyone. Our Lord, with whom the disciples walked, was for the first time revealed in his glorified state. To compound this, they saw men of their own history (Elijah and Moses), revealed, present and talking with the Lord. This must have been a sight their minds could scarcely contain.

Jesus' closest friends thought it appropriate to build three tabernacles to commemorate this occasion. It was then when God Himself spoke those immortal words.

You see beloved, the apostles, even after the time spent with him, still did not fully understand who Jesus is. Tabernacles are worship places. They were conceived and designed by God for His worship. Ultimately, they gave way to Temples. The apostles, in their enthusiasm, were ready to set up worship places for other men. As famous, historical and spiritual as they were, they were still just men.

Sometimes it is necessary for God to redirect us. Too often we want to worship the wrong thing or person. There is only one God. He has only one begotten son. It is in him whom we live, move and have our very being. Though it will be exciting to one day see Moses, Elijah and all of our other spiritual forefathers and heroes, it is Jesus who will have made it possible through his ultimate sacrifice. It is all and only about him.

In Revival,


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