Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hold On-DD 10/26/2010

"Nevertheless what you have, hold fast until I come." Rev 2:25

Jesus is addressing some issues in Thyatira, one of the seven churches in Asia discussed in the book of Revelation. It seems that they had some problems with immorality of both a spiritual and physical nature. Far too often we who know better because we have been taught better, fail to do better. This is particularly true as it relates to things that become popular in society. It has become unpopular and politically incorrect to criticize homosexuality in our country for example. As a result, their are some religious organizations, claiming the knowledge and love of Christ that give their consent to that lifestyle and even have gay clergy. Clearly they have not read the first chapter of the book of Romans.

Ahead of Christ's admonition, however, he says, "I know your deeds, and your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your deeds of late are greater than at first." Rev 2:19. This demonstrates two things. One is that they knew better and the other is that they were doing better and better. It is clear that under the best of circumstances, sin still has the ability to creep in. It is also worthy of note that the effect was not limited to individuals, but can be attributed to the congregation.

Fortunately beloved, there is always a remnant. God ensures that there are a precious few who will maintain the cause of Christ. To these, the encouragement is to hold on to their deeds, love, faith, service and perseverance. It is these things that are pleasing to God and that distinguish us from those to whom stern warnings and grave prophecies are given.

In Revival,


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