Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Perseverance-DD 9/28/2010

"So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife, and he went in to her. And the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son." Ruth 4:13

The simplicity of this verse belies the rich tapestry of events that occurred to make it possible. You may recall that Ruth was the daughter-in-law of Naomi. Through the course of time, Naomi's husband died, as did each of her three sons. Naomi encouraged her daughters-in-law to return to their own land and their own people, not being Jews, and make what they could out of the rest of their lives. Only Ruth refused, and pledged her undying love to her mother-in-law. In fact, the words she used can be heard in many a wedding ceremony to this day.

There were a number of different challenges that the women faced. In those days, to have no husband or son to care for you meant death from neglect of the basic needs of life. Naomi, however, instructed Ruth in the way she should go and the things she should do. The scripture of the day reveals the end result. The subsequent passage reveals that this Moabite woman is found in the lineage of Christ.

Beloved, tough times befall us all. There are many things that happen to us that are beyond our control. In such situations where we have been perhaps victimized, we have two choices. We can give up and go back to the life we once lived or we can persevere and put our faith in God. Should we chose perseverance, we will not find ourselves in the lineage of Christ, but we will find ourselves co-heirs with him as fellow sons and daughters of God.

In Revival,


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