We are all aware of the tragedy that took place four years ago in New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina was one of the worst disasters our country has ever seen. 1,833 of our fellow human beings lost their lives and $81billion worth of damage was done.
During the time we were there we went on a tour of the city. On the one hand, it seems that many areas of the city have recovered and done so nicely. Though the population is 25% lower than what it was pre-Katrina, the average person on the street seems to have resumed life as before. On the other hand, there are still an amazing number of buildings and properties that haven't been touched since the day of the storm. The homeless population numbers in the thousands and that number is growing because the cost of living has risen.
I couldn't help but think of what life was like in Noah's time before the deluge came. The bible tells us that people were going about their lives doing the things that anyone does. It also mentions that God was so distressed about the "business as usual" sinful lives that virtually all of mankind was living, it repented Him that He made man, Gen 6:5-7. The word also reveals that He out of loving kindness gave man the time that it took for 8 people to build the ark to repent and get on the boat. Clearly, just Noah and his family were saved.
New Orleans doesn't deserve to be singled out for it sins any more than any other city, but it's reputation for fleshly pursuits among other things is well known. I'm likewise not saying that the residents thereof deserved this great tragedy any more or less than any victim of a tragedy. I'm simply saying that visiting the city did put me in mind of the time God had had enough.
As God allowed the earth to be repopulated, so has New Orleans. Though there were many who lost their lives both by the Great Flood as well as Katrina, it seems that sin survived.
This gives me one last thought. God is still giving us time. The next time destruction is brought upon the earth, it will be fire.
Strengthening Our Faith
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