Monday, December 6, 2010

Unsurpassed Love-DD 12/6/2010

"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor 5:21

What must it have been like to cause His only begotten to "become sin?" Everything we know about our God involves holiness and righteousness. We also know that he cannot be around sin and ultimately forsook Jesus, for becoming the sin he came to earth to be.

Interestingly enough, it is we who first committed sin. Through the temptation of Satan, our ancestors committed the unpardonable and passed on to every living human being that very same nature. Over time, we progressed from lying and disobedience to everything we know sin to be today. This being the case, we find ourselves outside of the original relationship God designed for us to enjoy with Him.

Beloved, God still desires that original relationship. Due to His requirements regarding truth and justice, it was necessary that a sacrifice be made, a payment be given to satisfy the debt we created. Due to his perfection, Jesus' was the only sacrifice sufficient to pay that debt. He was able to do so by taking on (becoming) all the sins of mankind. What a marvelous and remarkable gift! Through Christ, the righteousness that we once lost is now available to those willing to reconcile through him. Praise be to the Father for His unsurpassed love, grace and mercy.

In Revival,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is funny that you mention the sin that Jesus took on for us. I heard a speaker say that God’s anger toward sin is like a pot of broiling grits. Just the Thought of God’s wrath being unleashed upon us, My God, send chills through me. But Jesus stood in the gap and took upon himself the sins of the world so that we can experience the unmerited grace, Love and favor. We have an opportunity to the righteous of God. Just the thought of what is due to me or what I truly deserve, makes me even the more grateful for all that he has and is giving me. Awesome posting, the Love that is so undeserved but YET! GOD LOVES ME!!! 