Monday, December 15, 2014

Words To The Beloved- 2014

Dearest Beloved,

It brings me great pleasure to share with you that Words to the Beloved, the book whose parent is this very blog, has seen the first anniversary of its release. Over the past year I have received many correspondences from readers about the difference the book has made in their lives.  Some read it in their leisure while others followed the daily discipline with which it was written.  Either way, there are many reports of readers being educated, encouraged and edified.

Today I'm writing to issue a heartfelt thanks to those of you who have made the now four year journey with me and were the first and most fervent supporters of the fruit of this labor.  As you know, you were mentioned in the introduction.  I truly appreciate you and thank God for you.

I also want to remind you that Words to the Beloved continues to be available.  In this gift giving season, I humbly suggest it as a stocking stuffer or outright gift for family, friends, loved ones and those with whom you may be sharing the gospel.  It really is the gift that continues to give.  If you are interested in obtaining copies, they can be acquired at, and

I pray that it will be a blessing to your life and to the lives of those with whom you share it.



Here is the link to a few photos from the book release at the O'Fallon Church of Christ:!/lee.lewis.7509/media_set?set=a.10152077045104049.576434048&type=3

Monday, December 1, 2014

Handling the Little Things 12/1/2014

"He said, " Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked I shall return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God." Job 1:21-22

Most everyone is familiar with the story of Job. We seek or are referred to his story during times of duress and great tribulation. We are fascinated by the depth and breadth of his calamities. We are also fascinated by the grace and humility with which he faced them. He always kept God at the forefront. These thousands of years later, we still draw strength from his life.

This is presented not to give us inspiration to endure our lowest lows, but to cast in relief our smaller trials. Let us consider the things that send us off the deep end. We are subject to road rage in traffic. We often argue with the ones we love over trivialities. We are ready to feud if someone slights us socially. If the boss has a less than complementary word for us, it turns into a bad day for everyone with whom we come into contact. If our child has a disappointing showing on the field of play, we forget how proud we are to have them as flesh of our flesh.

Beloved, we spend an inordinate amount of our time majoring in minor. Let us not allow the smaller things to be blown out of proportion. To be sure, the significant accidents, diagnoses, employment situations, losses, etc., will come to us personally or to someone with whom we are close. Proportional reactions in those case would be able to be understood by anyone. Remember, however, the grace with which Job handled the worst incidents imaginable. Consider then, how would he have handled the smaller things.

