Monday, July 8, 2013

Multiplying vs. Storing 7/8/2013 (rp)

"And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours." Matt 25:25

Most of us are familiar with the famous parable of the talents. In it, Jesus relates a story of a master who left his servants with varying sums of money with the implication that when he returned, he expected to see an increase. As the story goes, two of them doubled their respective shares, returned it all to their master and were praised and rewarded. The other decided to store his out of fear of losing it and returned it to his master upon his return.

Beloved, the Lord has blessed each and every one of us wondrously. He has given multiple gifts and talents to every person alive, and even more so to the Christian through the Holy Spirit. These gifts were not given that they may stored but that they may be used for the glory of God and the building up of His kingdom. The servant who hid his blessing stated that he knew his master was a man who expected a return where he had not invested, yet he failed to produce a return for his master from his own activities. Jesus does not physically come and share the gospel with each person on earth. Instead he has equipped us to do it. When he returns, he expects us to say, "you have entrusted me with 5 bags of gold; see I have gained 5 more!"

It is not enough to take care of our own houses, we must contribute to the care of His (the world of lost souls). It is not enough to be saved ourselves, but we must contribute to the salvation of others. It is not enough to sit on our blessings, we must share them with others who do not have that we might win them to Him from whom all blessings flow.

Are you multiplying or storing?



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