Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Scale of God's Love-1/10/2012

"For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well."
Ps 139:13-14

Do you ever consider the path of atoms as they rush and around to make up the components of all there is? You probably do not think much about cells, their division or any of their inner workings. Why not? Too small right? Absolutely below your concern right?

Consider this. We inhabit the earth and it is a pretty big place. Just to give it scale, it took four years, 21 million steps and 22 pairs of leather shoes for Dave Kunst to complete his record-making 14,450 mile walk around the Earth in
1974. But when you consider the size of the earth, it does not even approach the largest planet traveling around the nearest star (the sun). 1,321.3 earths could fit inside Jupiter, the largest planet. 926 Jupiters (or 1.3 million earths) could fit inside the sun, the largest object in our solar system. As immense as our sun is, it is only mid-sized as stars go. One of the largest stars known is called Betelgeuse. 1 billion of our suns could fit inside that. Billions of Betelgeuses could fit into a galaxy and there are billions of galaxies in the known universe. Is your mind numb yet?

Beloved the one true and living God spoke all of this and more into existence. In this life, man will never know the vastness and complexity of his creation. That same God condescended to lovingly form in the womb ___________(insert your name here) and daily provides for all of ___________(insert your name here) needs. As we go about lives with less significance than that with which we would credit bacteria relative to the grand scheme, remember that God thought enough of you to create, love and care for you. And when you lost your way, he took on less than insignificant flesh to make a way for you to get back home. As you go about your days, think on these things.

Rejoicing in the Lord,

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