Friday, January 6, 2012

Reputation vs. Reality-1/6/2012

"I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead." Rev 3:1

It is popular these days to ensure that we manage our image and create the proper impression. It is not nearly as important to some that their be sincerity and truth underneath these images and impressions. It is not about what is real, but what is perceived. Because of this we are less and less shocked when the mask is removed from our heroes.

This is not a new problem. Thousands of years ago, Christ instructed the Apostle John to pen these words and send them to Sardis, one of the seven churches in Asia. They were known for being a church with all of the right appearances but incomplete works that were seemingly driven by an effort to maintain their reputation.

Beloved, let us not be guilty of this charge in either our personal or corporate lives. It would be better to be known as a scoundrel who is trying to improve than one who claims to be righteous who is really a scoundrel. Let us live up to our calling rather than down to the lowest common denominator. In truth, we are not nearly as successful at maintaining the mask as we delude ourselves into thinking. And even if we are successful in fooling the world, Jesus has said, "I know."

Rejoicing in the Lord,


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