Monday, January 16, 2012

Certainty in the Midst of Calamity-1/16/2012 (rp)

"Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, " You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Matt 14:31

The apostles, who found themselves on a ship (at Jesus' direction) in the middle of a storm on the Sea of Galilee, were terrified. Jesus came walking across the water in the midst of this storm and Peter caught sight of him. Seeing this and having enough faith to believe he could also walk on the water if Jesus would just call him to the task, did in fact step out of the boat and on to the waves. Famously, however, he took his eyes off of the Savior and began to sink.

Beloved, it is easy to have an intellectual faith in God. This is the type of faith that says, "I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept him as my Lord and Savior...but..." There are many things we can do with this kind of faith, but it is insufficient to carry us all the way. When the waves rise and the winds increase, we tend to take our eyes off of Jesus and begin contemplating either how we are going to handle the situation ourselves or how it is going to consume us. We forget all about the fact that Jesus is present with us in the midst of our storm and that he has given us power over it.

Let us not be limited to an intellectual "half faith." Let us, "Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding." Prov 3:5. As he did with Peter, he will lift us above our circumstances and then take care of the circumstances.

Rejoicing in the Lord,


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