Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Pause for the Cause-7/20/2011

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Prov 15:1

It is not reasonable to expect that we can go through life without running afoul of others. Whether it be our fault or theirs, it is not unusual that the temptation to exchange harsh words with another happens from time to time. Wouldn't it be great if we all had a pause button to stop any given situation in time, in order to think about our next word? In the heat of the moment we may strongly desire to engage in verbal battles that will let another person know exactly with whom they are messing. Inflamed passions cause our defenses (and offenses) to fly to the forefront of our minds and tongues. But what about the pause button?

Taking time to consider the ramifications of our next statements can go a long way in helping us determine the best course of action. We can ask ourselves, "Am I wrong? Is this my fault? Does the person have a point?" If we are the aggrieved, we can likewise consider, "Can a lesson be learned or taught here? Is this an opportunity to establish or enhance a relationship? Is this an opportunity to win a soul? How can I please God with my response?"

Beloved, we are called upon to be people of a gentle nature, loving our neighbors as ourselves. We are representatives and children of the Almighty. The whole of the faith is judged by what can be seen in us. To be sure, it can be a heavy burden but it is made light by the Lord. As long as we conduct ourselves according to His purpose, we know that all things will work together for good. This knowledge should help us engage the pause, circumspectly consider the entire situation, think beyond ourselves and the moment and respond in a godly manner. A gentle treatment has the power to diffuse the most difficult of situations.

Loving Like Jesus,


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