Thursday, March 31, 2011

Living in the Light-DD 3/31/2011

"And those who were with me saw the light, to be sure, but did not understand the voice of the One who was speaking to me." Acts 22:9

Contextually, the apostle Paul was in the middle of what has become known as the Damascus Road experience. It was here that he met the Christ that he had been prosecuting as a dyed in the wool Jew. In fact, he was on his way to kill and persecute Christians when this event occured.

Paul was initially confused, but heard the voice of the Lord loud and clear. Ultimately he was obedient to that voice for the rest of his life. His companions, however, knew that something was going on but did not know what, nor did they themselves hear the voice.

Beloved, we who call upon the name of the Lord have all had our Damascus Road experiences. There was a point in our lives that we stepped out of the darkness and, at the Lord's invitation, stepped into the light. We were told what it was we must do and we spend the rest of our lives trying to do it.

We must also realize that there will be others around us that have no idea what is going on. They will see the light of love and the light of Christ taking over our lives, but will not themselves hear the voice. Our great challenge is to lead them to their own Damascus Road experience. Let us all live in the light as He is in the light.

Loving Like Jesus,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so true. We often assume that people understand and know what is going on and why. This sometime brings about hostility and separation because of the sudden change. We have to be mindful not to be judgmental and cause issues. In our leading we must do by example. Just think of all the people that people had watching him because of who he was before the Damascus Road experience. You can’t do anything but believe that he had in some way lead other to Christ that were Just like him.

Be blessed!