Thursday, January 6, 2011

Maintaining Your Fortitude-DD 1/6/2011

"I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name."
Rev 3:8

Does it ever seem to you like the whole world is loosing its mind? A brief glance at the paper or the evening news shows reveals that society seems to have lost its moral center. This is true because individuals are distinguishing themselves by their excesses rather than their fortitude.

Is the size and financial health of your congregation shrinking? Even those who call upon the name of Jesus can get distracted by the things the world has to offer. As things that used to be absolutely taboo become more and more acceptable, many in the church move right along with the current and find that though they continue to believe, they have developed a "different view" of things.

And what about you? Do you pray as much as you once did? Do you find yourself making excuses to miss worship? Do you spend more on entertainment than you do on giving? Do you read the word of God at all?

Beloved, the Lord sees all and knows our struggles and triumphs. As with many things in life, there are benefits to persevering, overcoming obstacles and staying the positive and correct course. He has promised great things to those who are not overcome by temptations, led astray by fickle desires or are influenced to slide back into the darkness from whence we came. Be it society, congregation or even a lack of personal fortitude, let nothing prevent you from walking through the door that Christ has opened. We have come this far by faith. Let us remain diligent until the very end.

Loving Like Jesus,


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