Friday, December 24, 2010

The Coming of the Light-DD 12/24/2010

"and the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them until it came and stood over the place where the Child was." Matt 2:9

We so often find ourselves using the phrase, "light at the end of the tunnel" during times of trial, turmoil and trouble. It indicates that these are dark times but we are beckoned forward by the polar opposite of our circumstances. This is represented by light.

All of mankind has been in darkness since very near the beginning of our existence. It was we ourselves that extinguished the light that was created within us. As it is with life on this earth, our turning away from the sun does not extinguish it. It is always there. How fitting that God led the Magi through the darkness of night to the Light of Men by a star in the heavens. How wonderful it is to know that they were seeking this star, that they followed it and it lead them to the source of all things.

Beloved, as we celebrate the season of the coming of the Light, we must continue to seek the Light. We must walk in the Light. We must become the light and lead others out of the darkness of their individual tunnels.

A joyous and blessed holiday to all!

In Revival,


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