Monday, December 27, 2010

Being Connected-DD 12/27/2010

"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me." John 15:4

Contemplate our lives without Christ. What meaning would there be? What hope would there be? It is only through our lives in him that we realize our purpose, potential and prize.

Our purpose in life is to glorify Him who created us. We can only accomplish this by having a relationship with the son. This is what is meant by "abiding." As Christians, Christ lives in us and we live through him.

Our potential is to bear fruit. The seed of God's word and His love has been planted in the fertile soil of our hearts. This seed must grow down to become rooted and grow up to have life. Having been exposed to the sun, we are to grow to produce fruit, the works of Him who sent us. Inside this fruit are even more seeds for planting, growing and producing.

Finally beloved, is the prize. The prize is the promise of everlasting life with him whom we are connected. Through this connection flows the very essence of our lives. With him, our lives are eternal.

In Revival,


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