Monday, November 22, 2010

Fulfilling Our Ministry-DD 11/22/2010

"But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." 2 Tim 4:5

While incarcerated, Paul wrote two letters to his young protege, Timothy. Among the final thing he had to say in life were these last words of encouragement to a young preacher charged with a great responsibility.

Though many who pursue the ministry use the "Timothies" as a "how to" manual, there are words of wisdom for us all. We are, in fact, a royal priesthood to whom all of the word of God applies. For instance, Timothy is advised to be sober. This means to be watchful. We should always keep an eye out for any type of threat to the cause of Christ and our own steadfastness. Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Those threats, as outlined in both letters, were both internal and external to the church and the person.

He then advises endurance through hardship. The scripture is replete with advisements even from Christ that the Christian life is not always a walk in the park. Being a minister certainly has its challenges. Being a Christian living a godly life likewise involves joys, heartaches, temptations and triumphs. The key, however, is to not allow those challenges to derail you from the faith.

What is the work of an evangelist but to share the word of God with a world of sin sick people? We are all familiar with the Great Commission. As Christians, we are obligated to teach, baptize and teach again. As the glorious benefits of the Lord were shared with us, so should we pass it forward.

Finally beloved, we are to fulfill our ministry. There is not one of us who does not have one. God has gifted us each with certain gifts and abilities. This gives us both the opportunity and the responsibility to employ these blessings for the expansion of the borders of the Kingdom and the benefit of others. It is not enough for us to simply claim Christianity, we must be what we claim. This can only be accomplished by demonstrating our faith by our works. Let us consider these things.

In Revival,


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