Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Equipped For The Task-DD 11/2/2010

"Then Moses said, "What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say, ' The Lord has not appeared to you.'" The Lord said to him, "What is that in your hand?" And he said, " A staff." Then He said, "Throw it on the ground." So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it." Ex 4:1-3

God, having set Moses' path from birth, eventually called him to Himself. It was the beginning of a beautiful and historic relationship. Interestingly enough, however, it started with Moses expressing a lack of confidence. He offered numerous excuses when God told Him what He wanted him to do. Among those excuses was that he was not equipped.

How well does this mirror the beginnings of our own walk with the Lord? Did we not fail to understand how He could love and forgive ones such as we? When faced with the daunting task of living a Christian life and sharing the gospel with all the world, did we not shrink from the task? Few of us thought that we could ever accomplish anything for the Lord.

But God shows us just as He showed Moses. He used what Moses had to do His will, that He might be glorified. All Moses had was a simple shepherd's staff, but God turned it into a miracle. He used it as proof of His own existence before Pharaoh. He likewise uses what we have, as simple and as insignificant as it may seem to us, to do His will. It may be your ability to cook, fix things, empathize with others, teach, run fast or just be kind. By these things, He shows Himself through you.

Beloved, never discount God's wisdom. You are the called according to His purpose. If you are called (and you are through your obedience to the gospel), He most certainly has a purpose for you. And if He has a purpose, He most certainly will equip you. More often than not, it will be by making use of what you already have. Remember David's five smooth stones, Aaron's budding rod and the boys' fishes and loaves. Our responsibility is to recognize what we have from Him and use it for Him.

In Revival,



Anonymous said...

I agree with this post. I know that God will equip me for the task and I confident in God's Ability to help me through whatever it is that he will have for me. My concern and worry is missing the appointed time an opportunity. It is almost to say missing God’s call. The word of God says “my sheep know my voice and another they will no follow. I am learning to say Lord If it is you bid me to come. Lord is this you! I am a teacher. I empathize with others. I am a mentor and council people by the authority of God. Is it just waiting on God to reveal the tool that will be used?

Lee said...

You can (and should) use any and all tools with which you have been equipped. It sounds like you are already aware of and using the ability to teach, empathize and counsel. You may have yet other abilities if you sat and thought about it.

We have been trained to wait for opportunity's knock. That's one plan. There are two others. You can look for opportunity and you can create opportunity. The idea is to serve God in all that we do.

As I often say from the pulpit, if you see something that needs to be done, don't wait to be asked, just do it. If you have the ability then you are equipped. It then just becomes a matter of inclination and that my friend, is entirely up to you.
