Monday, August 30, 2010

Self Examination-DD 8/30/2010

"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" Matt 7:3

Many times we do not realize how easy it is to slip into judgement of others. This is the case because we do it so often and so readily it escapes our notice. It is only when it rises to the level of some great moral accusation which we have been wrong about do we realize we have done it. Having it pointed out in a sermon or a message such as this can also tend to remind. David found this to be the case when his friend Nathan pointed out, "Thou art the man."

Perhaps it is easier to notice the shortcomings of another because it does not require that we first examine our own. Should we cast even the shortest glance in the mirror, we may notice blemishes that prevent us from speaking about those of others. It may very well be that our own far outweighs that of the person who has unfortunately fallen under our scrutiny.

Beloved, as Christians, we are called upon to build one another up, not to tear one another down. The world specializes in tearing individuals down. Folks outside the body can be very much like sharks that smell blood in the water. A feeding frenzy ensues at the first scent of a scandal. We as Christians should never be a part of such things, be it in a group or as an individual. We should all be careful that the mirror we fail to examine may be held up in front of us against our will. Even should this not occur, we all stand guilty before Christ.

In Revival,



Unknown said...

Bro. Lee Lewis, your daily Minister's Meditation postings are encouriging and uplifting. I pray that God blesses you to continue to edify the O'Fallon congregation and all whom you reach through your postings.

Your brother in Christ


Lee said...

Thank you my brother. Your encouragment is uplifting to me.