Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pushing the Limit-DD 8/5/2010

"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." James 2:10

Beloved, we often fall into the "at least I..." trap. At least I am not as bad as him or her. At least I don't do that. At least I make sure I always do this. The problem with this type of thinking is the word "least."

Why is it that we are so ready to get by with the least effort, energy and resources that we possibly can when it comes to living godly lives? We like to live our lives right up to the line. Some of us cross that line but take comfort in the fact that it is just one toe over.

I submit to you that we should be found well inside the borders of God's will. The boundaries and their sometimes tantalizing features are the stuff of death and destruction. It is very much like slowing down to see a traffic accident, standing close by to watch a fire or running toward an altercation "just to see." Do you not know that those are the very best places to get hurt?

There is safety in the middle of Gods will. Pushing the limits and crossing the line, no matter how slightly is still a violation. If you do that, you might as well jump in mind, body and soul. The effect is exactly the same.

In Revival,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I have often heard the Elders say: I rather do more and put my all in to make it and arrive in Heavan and see others and Say It really didnt take all that. Then to be looking up wishing I could have done more. Nothing in the word of God labels us as the Least. But we tend to use it and place ourselves there. The Word says the rightous will scarcely make it in. So for all of that is AT LEAST! OMG have mercy on us. Thank God we still have a chance today to change!