Thursday, June 17, 2010

As A Child-DD 6/17/2010

"Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matt 19:14

Contextually, Jesus was talking about actual children that had been brough to him to receive his blessings. His disciples rebuked those who brought the children but were themselves rebuked by him.

I believe this passage also serves as a metaphor for how people are brought to and received by Christ. Think about children. They are so innocent, so believing, so willing to take any and everything on faith. As parents, we feed into this with stories of Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. Our little blessings believe it with the same certainty as their knowledge that water is wet and that beds are for sleeping. They require no proof. They just accept it because the information came from someone they trust.

Jesus says that our faith is to be as innocent and as certain as theirs. When we come to him believing that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him, he will receive us and bless us. Being an adult, with our jaded minds, our suspicions and demands for proof, can certainly be over rated. It is this rationality that will cause some of us to miss the kingdom all together.

Beloved we are the reason that we sometimes struggle so much to believe. We have been deceived by one another, thus causing us to be skeptical about everything we cannot control. The Lord, however, has never lied, never broken a promise and never failed to do exactly what he said he would. Let us suspend our man made doubt and return to the understanding and knowledge that God simply is. Approach Him with a child's belief and be lovingly accepted as one.

In Revival,


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